Fecskendő töltő készlet
Code: FILLKITMinden egy helyen, ami a fecskendők használatához és karbantartásához szükséges
Mikrochipes fecskendő
Code: MicroChipDart SetMikrochippel való jelölés távolról, az állatok altatása nélkül.
Syringe for blowpipe without needle
2 sizes available
Dart syringes for injection rifles (1 pc)
Code: SxxxAvailable in 1,5 ml/ 3,0 ml/ 5,0 ml/ 10,0 ml sizes
Needles for injection rifles (1 pc)
DAN-INJECT produces a wide range of needles in diameters of 1.5 and 2.0 mm and lengths from 20 to 100 mm.
Needles are available in plain, collared or barbed configurations.
CO2 cartridges
Code: CO23 - 16 gr
Code: CO22 - 72 gr
Code: CO21 - 45 grAvailable in 3 sizes:
- CO2 cartridge 16g, 6 shots 10 pcs/box
- CO2 cartridge 45g, 20 shots
- CO2 cartridge 72g, 40 shots
- Clinic equipment
- Diagnostic intruments
- Surgical instruments
- Injection and infusion
- Protective clothing
- Animal identification
- Immobilization, injection
- Other consumables
Our best offers
Műtőasztal, X-lábú, FŰTHETŐ, rozsdamentes
Code: 45909380
Műtőasztal, X-lábú, FŰTHETŐ, rozsdamentes
4Vet operation table lifting and tilting
Code: 45909292
120 x 48 cm table top with rims and drain hole
4FitVet radiofrequency electrocauter
Code: 40000588
Code: 40000588
The advantages of radiofrequency (4 MHz) compared to high frequency
(300-500 kHz) are the following:
• Enables a more precise and accurate surgical operation
• Much smaller tissue damage around the cut
(no burning or carbonization of the tissue)
• Quicker and nicer healing of the wound
• No weakening of the astringent effect
• The neutral electrode does not require tight contact with the patient, which is extremely favourable in veterinary use!
DOPPY-Vet Doppler for vet use (complete set)
Code: 40000768
DOPPY-VET is an ultrasound Doppler device designed for the needs of veterinarians.